Friday, August 23, 2013

Tory Burch Launches Beauty, Doubles Her Worth.

So you may have read somewhere recently that Tory Burch is now worth a cool billion, or perhaps I just made that up, but either way the woman's bank account is pretty healthy. Like Gwyneth healthy. But it's probably going to go all Shallow Hal on us now that Tory Burch is launching a new beauty collection. For those of you who aren't aware most brands really make their money off of beauty and fragrance lines, as those are the easiest for consumers across the board to afford. My head isn't just a hat rack, people.

Left: Tory's wallet before the launch. Right: Tory's wallet one month after.

It'll be a capsule collection of preppy basics-what? From Tory Burch? Shocking, I know. Either way the point to take away from this is to invest in Tory Burch NOW because you can bet this venture is going to cause the value of her company to sky rocket. 

The line will be available for pre-sale 9/6/13, and be available in stores starting on the 26th. Although I haven't seen any prices anywhere I'm going to go out on a limb and guestimate the collection will range from $25-$70. Well played Tory, well played. I know you'll be laughing your tanned ass off all the way to the bank.


Photos courtesy of WWD

1 comment:

  1. that lip balm will for sure be about $30. i wonder how it'll stack up against dior's (aka, the bible)
